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Dog Training Academy

Training Academy

Training Your Dog, Hope for a Hero

When you utilize our training services, you are helping a veteran or first responder receive a lifesaving PTSD service dog. A portion of every training dollar spent goes to our PTSD service dog program.

Got Your Six Support Dogs is already known throughout the Metro-East for training top quality service dogs for veterans and first responders with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and therapy dogs who provide comfort to people in the community. Got Your Six Support Dogs believes mental wellness should encompass both humans and canines. Because of this philosophy, we are expanding our services to provide training in obedience and other skills for your pet.

At Got Your Six Support Dogs, we know humans and canines must be able to understand each other in order for learning, growth and companionship to occur. What many people interpret as “problem” behaviors are in fact a dog’s attempt at communication. We want you to have a relationship with your favorite four-legged friend that brings peace and balance to your entire household.

Successfully attending and completing any Got Your Six Support Dogs training class does not signify that the attendee is a service/assistance dog trainer or qualified to train and/or place service/assistance dogs. 

Assistance Dogs International has specific standards that an individual must meet in order to be an assistance dog trainer — and taking part in this class does not meet these requirements. 

class members of dog training academy


Canine Communication Workshop: Before taking a beginner obedience class, owners must take their own Understanding Dog Behavior 101 class without their dogs. This human only seminar-type class discusses dog body language and stress signals, how dogs communicate and learn, rewards and reinforcements, as well as how things like breed, genetics, and instincts play a role in learning for dogs.

Group classes are available to teach dogs basic obedience concepts and more advanced skills over six weeks for $180:

  • Beginner Obedience — Using the skills learned in the Communication Workshop, owners and their dogs begin the process of joint communication and understanding in our large, climate-controlled, state-of-the-art facility. Under the guided tutelage of our highly-experienced instructors, learn to work with your dog, and not against them, in all aspects of basic obedience and behavioral modifications.

  • Intermediate Obedience — Leveling up to more complex commands, resisting distractions, and more.

  • Agility Foundations — Establish the building blocks you and your dog will need to train agility. There will be a focus on building body awareness and fitness needed for your dog to be safe and successful on agility equipment. Introduction to equipment will occur as appropriate and needed for skills. The focus will be on building confidence and security in the dog’s body as well as in relationship and reinforcement building between the dog, the handler, and objects/equipment.

  • Fetch It Classes — A course designed for all breeds (not just retrievers) as another activity in which owners can have fun with their dogs in an effort to work towards AKC Fetch titles. The AKC titles were designed to assess the ability of the dog to retrieve on four different levels.

  • Therapy Dog Classes — Training to provide emotional comfort and support to people in the community.

Private lessons are also available:

  • Private Lessons$90 for a 1-hour session (multi-session packages available). Customized one-on-one training to fit you and your dog’s needs with one of our expert trainers.
man training a dog


6 Schiber Court
Maryville, IL 62062
Phone : (618) 206-5015


Got Your Six Support Dogs BBB Charity Seal