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Get Involved


Due to the skill, precision and patience required to work with service dogs, only our professional trainers and training interns work with our dogs. However, we are always looking for volunteers to assist in other areas, such as marketing, social media, corporate donations, donor relations, writing, grant research, etc.

If you are interested in volunteering with Got Your Six Support Dogs, please fill out the volunteer registration form below. Thank you!

Applicant Information


Previous Volunteer Experience


Please list three professional references.

Previous Employment

Areas of Interest


Military Service

Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that all statements made by me on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have not knowingly omitted or misrepresented any information requested on this application. I understand that Got Your Six Support Dogs may conduct various background investigations concerning me through a private investigating agency or through its own staff. I further understand that these background investigations may include a criminal background check, an examination of my driving record, prior employment records, and references. I authorize Got Your Six Support Dogs and any individual or agency employed by it to conduct criminal, prior employment and other background investigations as it may deem necessary and appropriate to evaluate my application. In consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this application by Got Your Six Support Dogs, I hereby release Got Your Six Support Dogs and its agents, employees and representatives, and any individual, charity, youth organization, employer, and any other person or organization, including records custodians, both collectively and individually, from any and all liability for damages of whatever kind or nature which may at any time result to me, my heirs, or family on account of an investigation by Got Your Six Support Dogs of my background in connection with this application or release of information concerning me to Got Your Six Support Dogs.

At Got Your Six Support Dogs, we are always accepting monetary donations, as well as supply donations.


6 Schiber Court
Maryville, IL 62062
Phone : (618) 206-5015


Got Your Six Support Dogs BBB Charity Seal