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Service Dogs

The Reality of PTSD

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is defined as “a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe physiological shock.” The effects of PTSD can significantly impair a person’s daily life. According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA), individuals with PTSD are prone to developing other disorders such as anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse issues due to not being able to get the proper psychological help. In fact, according to the USDVA, approximately 20 veterans die each day due to suicide.

Got Your Six Support Dogs Provide Hope

Got Your Six Support Dogs started due to the need of veterans and first-responders requesting PTSD service dogs when all other methods of treatment have failed. A service dog can provide healing companionship and life-altering benefits to an individual suffering from PTSD.

ptsd service dog

The service dogs are trained to:


  • Alert to Anxiety
  • Recognize and Interrupt Harmful Behaviors
  • Wake Its Owner From Night Terrors
  • Provide a Sense of Security and Combat Hypervigilance
  • Reteach Emotions, Such as Love and Affection

The selected service dogs are trained by professional trainers for approximately one year and then matched with an applicant. The pairings occur over a 14-day period. During this period, the recipient also attends a daily trauma resiliency/suicide prevention course led by a licensed therapist. This training process and the dog is provided to the recipient at no cost.

If you have any questions regarding our service dogs, contact us today. To apply for a service dog, fill out our online application.

service dog and owner

The Got Your Six Class of 2018 was given the SPRINT PTSD survey before their arrival to the program and again six months after completing the program.

The results are below:

a. Overall decrease of unwanted memories, nightmares, or reminders of traumatic event by 49%.
b. Overall decrease in effort made to avoid thinking or talking about the event by 53%.
c. Overall increase in enjoyment of activities, spending time with others, and experiencing feelings by 61%.
d. Overall decrease of poor sleep, lack of concentration, jumpiness, irritability, or feeling watchful by 21%. 
e. Overall decrease of pains, aches, and tiredness by 33%
f. Overall decrease in losing control of emotions when stressful events or setbacks occurred by 33%.
g. Overall decrease of PTSD symptoms interfering with work and daily activities by 46%. 
h. Overall decrease of PTSD symptoms interfering in relationships with family and friends by 58%.
i. Respondents reported an a physical and mental improvement overall by 41%.
j. Respondents reported their PTSD symptoms improved overall by 73%

The class of 2018 was also given a questionnaire six months after completing the program.

The results are below:

a. 100% would recommend Got Your Six Support Dogs to a veteran or first-responder suffering from PTSD
b. On average, how often did you interact with others before receiving a service dog from Got Your Six Support Dogs: 50% Never, 25% 1 to 2 times per month, 25% 5 times or more
c. On average, how often do you interact with others as a result of having a service dog: 100% 5 times or more
d. How useful is your service dog in helping you understand your physical and mental needs? 100% Extremely Useful
e. Since having a service dog, I am better able to understand the emotional needs of the people who are important to me: 100% True
f. Since having a service dog, my relationships have improved with the people who are important to me: 100% True
g. Since receiving my service dog I: 100% prescribed less medication.



6 Schiber Court
Maryville, IL 62062
Phone : (618) 206-5015


Got Your Six Support Dogs BBB Charity Seal