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Mission Statement

Got Your Six Support Dogs is committed to providing specialized service dogs to veterans and first-responders suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and/or sexual trauma. Our mission is to help these men and women regain their lives through the healing power of dogs.

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Got Your Six Support Dogs supports veterans and first-responders across the United States who have risked their lives to serve our country. To help those who struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as sexual trauma, GYSSD’s goal is to place trained PTSD support dogs with veterans at no cost to help them heal from the psychological stress of war through the compassion and healing power of their loyal 4-legged companions.

The unfortunate reality is staggering. Every day, 22 veterans commit suicide, and every day five active duty soldiers attempt suicide, one of which succeeds. More police officers die by suicide than die in the line of duty. These men and women swore to protect us, and our country, but who protects them?
Research has proven that dogs positively affect an individual’s’ physical and psychological state and improves overall quality of life (Cole, Gawlinski, Steers, & Kotlerman, 2007; Holloway & Kopicki, 2015; Shintani et al., 2010; United States Dog Registry, 2013a, b, & c). Veterans reported that they turned to service dogs when other interventions including medications and therapy did not help them find relief and found the help in the recovery of PTSD. Interactions with dogs such as petting and talking to them have proven to decrease physiological stress (Holloway & Kopicki, 2015). These interactions are taught to veterans to aid them in coping with their PTSD symptoms. According to Attachment theory, dogs stimulate a nurturing response which could help overcome the social disconnectedness veterans feel towards others due to their PTSD. Studies have proven that service dogs become strongly attached to their owners; therefore, this attachment between service dog and veteran could be highly beneficial in veteran’s recovery and heightened quality of life (Holloway & Kopicki, 2015).

Got Your Six Support Dogs was founded in 2015 by Nicole Lanahan when she saw the need from veterans requesting PTSD service dogs when all other methods of treatment had failed. Due to a high demand for PTSD service dogs and low accessibility to them, GYSSD filled that need by focusing on training dogs for veterans who see this option as a last resort to surviving PTSD. The selected dogs are fostered by trainers for approximately one to two years of training and then matched with a veteran. The veteran then attends a ten-day training program led by certified trainers and licensed therapists. Not only do the veterans learn to utilize their new dogs, but they acquire life-saving trauma resiliency and suicide prevention skills.

Because of the unique nature our program, the approximate cost for one of our dogs is $20,000. The costs factoring into this total are:

  • Acquisition of dog
  • Training expenses
  • Veterinarian expenses
  • Grooming expenses
  • Training Supplies (leashes, collars, treats, specialized equipment, etc)
  • Dog care expenses (food, bowls, toys, etc)
  • Boarding expenses
  • Hotels and meals costs for the veteran 10-day pairing program
  • Therapist fees for trauma resiliency and suicide prevention program

Got Your Six Support Dogs has a continuous mission to help our nation’s heroes through these life saving service dogs. GYSSD’s goal is to keep growing the organization, so that more veterans and first responders can be helped.

Got Your Six Support Dogs (GYSSD) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to providing specialized service dogs to veterans and first-responders suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and/or sexual trauma. Their mission is to help these men and women regain their lives through the healing power of dogs. The organization began in 2015 due to the need of veterans and first-responders requesting PTSD service dogs when all other methods of treatment have failed. Headquartered in Maryville, Ill., GYSSD trains service dogs and matches them with veterans and first-responders throughout the U.S. at no cost to them. They also train therapy dogs to serve local area residents in nursing homes, hospitals, schools, etc. and offer basic obedience training services to the public. For more information, visit:

In The News


RiverBender: Got Your Six Support Dogs Named "2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit" by GreatNonprofits

December 2021



St. Louis Public Radio: For veterans with PTSD, service dogs are a game changer

November 2021



St. Louis Post Dispatch: Got Your Six Support Dogs Partners with Purina Dog Chow

February 2020



6 Schiber Court
Maryville, IL 62062
Phone : (618) 206-5015


Got Your Six Support Dogs BBB Charity Seal